Merchant Cash Advance
Get Your Finances on Track With a Merchant Cash Advance
A merchant cash advance from Atlas Capital Solutions is a smart option for small businesses. It can be tough to get loans from traditional banks or credit unions, especially if your business is cyclical or heavily dependent upon the economy. A merchant cash advance, however, gets your company the money it needs without requiring perfect credit.
How Does It Work?
This advance is taken against your future credit card sales. If your business accepts Visa MasterCard, American Express, Discover, or another card, you may be approved for as much as $200,000 per business location. This is money you can use to make payroll, build inventory, or expand a new marketing campaign. It’s money to grow.
What Are the Advantages?
At Atlas Capital Solutions we have years of experience in providing loans to businesses just like yours. This gives us the ability to offer benefits such as:
- Minimal paperwork to apply
- No application fee or closing costs
- No collateral required
- Easy payback with no fixed payments
- Receive funds within seven days after approval
Contact Us
If you’d like more information about how a merchant cash advance can help your business, give us a call or send an email today. Our financial experts can answer all your questions and assist you with the application process.